Planning the Resistance to Trump

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Kica Matos, president of the National Immigration Law Center, is among a network of progressive activists that has been taking extraordinary steps to prepare for a potential second Trump presidency.Credit…Lauren Petracca for The New York Times
To the Editor:
Re “Trump Resisters Draft Playbook in Case He Wins” (front page, June 16):
The resistance to a potential second Trump administration is crucial. The efforts outlined, from drafting lawsuits to stockpiling abortion medication, highlight the severe threat that Donald Trump poses to American democracy.
You quote Joanna Lydgate, the chief executive of States United Democracy Center, as saying, “Trump has made clear that he’ll disregard the law and test the limits of our system.” That is not fear-mongering; it’s a realistic assessment based on his past actions and current rhetoric.
The coalition of progressive activists and former Republicans preparing to resist him shows the widespread recognition of the danger he represents. The fact that we must prepare for the possible authoritarian actions of a former president shows how fragile our democracy is.
The preparations being made are not just about opposing Mr. Trump; they are about defending the very principles upon which our nation was founded.
Aarya Rajesh
Plainfield, Ill.
To the Editor:
The pursuit of happiness has become challenging for me. I read the news and feel hopeless. Now in my 80s, I see in myself for the first time ongoing anxiety, depression and repulsion. I can barely say out loud the words “Donald Trump.”
But today your journalists brought to my attention that we have bright people working together to save us from some awful instincts and the bewildering ignorance of a powerful man followed by a powerful number of people.