How Media Outlets on the Left and Right Have Covered Fauci’s Book Tour

Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, the former government scientist, has been on something of a media spree in recent weeks, and liberal and conservative media outlets have used very different tones to cover his appearances.
Dr. Fauci, who was director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the public face of the country’s fight against Covid, is promoting a new memoir, “On Call,” that includes an account of his time in government under former President Donald J. Trump. This month he also testified before Congress in a contentious hearing about the origins of the coronavirus.
Progressive publications have praised Dr. Fauci, quoting extensively from his book and taking the opportunity to criticize Mr. Trump for hispolicies on Covid.
Conservative outlets have largely ignored Dr. Fauci’s book and focused more on his testimony in Congress. They painted Dr. Fauci as a villain and falsely accused him of helping start the pandemic. The coverage also highlighted an intense divide over the supposed origins of the coronavirus; a 2023 poll by Quinnipiac University showed that more Republicans than Democrats believe it originated from a lab leak.
Here’s how some of those outlets have covered Dr. Fauci in recent days:
Throughout the pandemic, Democrats viewed Dr. Fauci as a hero and the vanguard of the scientific community’s dissent against Mr. Trump, who supported opening businesses and schools before vaccines were available and railed against wearing masks.